
Only the party leader has the ability to change this. If you'd like to request to change halls, just look for the name tag with the crown icon and holler at them for the request! What they have to do then is the following:

  1. Pause the game
  2. Select Go to Lobby -- a message will pop up to confirm if you'd like to abandon the match. If you're in the middle of the match, make sure to get everyone's go signal first before you click on Leave. If you finish the game, you’ll have the option to Exit to Lobby or Play Again.
  3. Once you're in the lobby, go near the Main Menu and click on the “Back” button until you reach the page where you can select halls. Once you have selected the hall that you all like, you can click on the “Play” button to start a new game. 

What Is a Party Leader? 

A Party Leader or host is the controller of the multiplayer party! They set up a room, choose a hall, start the game, and choose team colors! You can see who the Party Leader is by checking out the “Party” menu from within the pause menu or by looking for the nameplate with the bag and crown icon! 


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