What is “Frame Reset” and how do I use it?
Frame reset allows the host of the party to reset pins, player turn, or the ball return. Previous player’s score is invalidated and the game will not count towards their game stats. When a host uses the Frame Reset a window to all party members will popup letting them know that the frame reset was used. After that any weird issues should be fixed and everyone should be able to bowl smoothly!
Here is where you would see it in the Paused menu:
When should I use “Frame Reset”?
You should use Frame Reset kind of like how you call over a lane attendant at a real bowling alley! Here are the most common scenarios on when you would use Frame Reset: pins haven’t been placed correctly, players’ turns aren’t the correct order, and players’ bowling balls are not correct or haven’t returned.
What happens when I use “Frame Reset”?
When you use Frame Reset the host of the multiplayer party will need to confirm the use and then a popup will let the players know that Frame Reset has been used.
Let's walk through a scenario! Let's say that Player A has just completed a frame (2 throws in) and it is now player B's turn. When Player A throws their first ball, is on their second throw, and notices that the pins didn’t reset correctly. The host selects Frame Reset. Player A has their first throw reset. Player A has two throws. Player A's statistics are invalid for the current game. Their stats do not track to a leaderboard.
What if Player A has only one throw done when the frame is reset? Then when Player A throws their second ball their frame is complete. Player B's turn begins. The host selects Frame Reset. The frame does not roll back to Player A. Player B's first throw is reset. Player B has two throws. Player B's statistics are invalid for the current game. Their stats do not track to a leaderboard.
What do I do if “Frame Reset” doesn’t fix things?
If Frame Reset has been used and it is not making it easier for everyone to bowl please have everyone exit to the lobby and then head back into the hall. We would also love for you to reach out to our support team so that they can further troubleshoot and escalate the issue if necessary. You can reach out to them here and submit a ticket. Or you can reach out to them in game by going to the jukebox, click the left arrow to go to the support section, and press the “Help” button.
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