You have two options for movement!
One is Smooth Locomotion where by pushing the toggle stick in a direction on your left controller your character will move in that direction and the right controller’s toggle stick will turn your avatar. You can turn on this movement setting from within the settings menu. To access the settings menu press the button with three lines on your left controller. Please note that when hovering over an in-game button with your pointer, you will not be able to move. To move, move your pointer off of a button.
Your other option is to Teleport. Using your toggle stick on the right controller push the stick in the direction. You will have a green line extend from your controller to a pair of shoes on the ground. When you release the toggle stick your character will ‘teleport’ there. If you see that your green line turns red you are unable to teleport there. You can move the direction of the teleporting location by moving your hand.
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