
Picking up a bag is a total breeze! You can pick up a bag by reaching your hand out to it, and then press the "Grip", "Trigger", or both on your controller. You can select what button you want to grab with by going into the Settings menu within the game! See this article for more information on the setting menu What do the Settings options do and what do they mean? 

 If you want to grab a bag from a distance, hover your hand towards the desired bag and a beam should appear. Position the beam on a bag and press the "Grip" on your controller when the edge of the bag is highlighted. We call this “palm beaming”

The "Grip" button is the bottom button on the front of the controller. The "Trigger" button is the top of the two front buttons, your index finger is likely to push this button.Oculus-touch-controllers-1.png

When you are in a game, a set of four bags will be positioned directly in front of your throwing square when it's your turn to throw! No need to walk over and pick them up in VR! Pretty cool right?

Picking a bag and board to use:

It is super easy to pick a bag and board you want to use in the game! When you are in the Pro Shop in the lobby you must first unlock the bag and board you want to use. Once the bag and board is unlocked, you pick it up, place it into the allotted position in front, and then release the grab button. Doing this automatically replaces the bag or board previously picked and puts it back into the shop.


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