Are you ready to gear up and get your first cornhole?! First, you'll have to start a game. In order to know how to do this, click on How do I start a game? At the start of the game you'll be randomly assigned to a team. A coin toss will then automatically happen to see which team gets to throw first. Once that's done, look for the bobbing yellow Start sign in the middle of the play area. Go near the Start sign and tap on it in order to start the game. You'll then be teleported to the play area right next to the board. The side that you stand on will be lit with your side color and your icon will be shown where you need to stand and throw!
Each player will be given four bags to toss per round. Don't worry if you accidentally throw it outside the play area, the bag will automatically return to you. However, if you throw it within the play area, that will be considered in your points for the game and the bag will not return to you. To know more about how you'll be scored check out this article Scoring & How to earn points!.
Cornhole is a round based game where you will alternate throwing with other players. If there are only two players, each player will take turns tossing their bags. If there are four players, each player will get to toss all four bags before the next player. You'll keep on tossing and gaining points until a player or a pair gets to 11 or 21 points first! To know more about the different game mode scores you can click on 11 vs. 21 Score Modes. Good luck, game on, and have fun!
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