Known Issues
- Known Issue: Returning To The Hall After A Party Member Disconnects
- Known Issue: Traveling Ball After Pressing Frame Reset
- Known Issue: Sometimes when accepting an invite while the results screen is showing in a hall, it will cause players to be able to play in different halls.
- Known Issue: Very rarely, the game may crash when repeatedly joining and leaving the same party.
- [Fixed] Known Issue: Invisible Avatars
- [Fixed] Tutorial Pop Up “Grab A Ball”
- [Fixed] Selfie Camera "OK" button shows on top of photo
- [Fixed]Deck The Halls balls show as locked and hidden if not found before update 1.7.358
- [FIXED Known Issue: Results Screen Getting Cut Off
- [FIXED] Known Issue: Throw Settings Reversed
- [FIXED] Known Issue: Purple Tutorial Pop Up Window Won't Go Away
- Known Issue: If you haven't played Bowl in a few months and buy Darts you may not get your VIP gift.
- Thumbstick won't allow player to go backwards
- No pins/balls visible to players who join multiplayer "late" (after game start)